Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Consequences as your new friends fade in

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The hardest part of my life is seeing my old friend fades out. I keep staying with him, but he keeps going with his misunderstanding. It’s sad to see your effort to accept someone, but he refuses to be accepted. That sucks when you let someone in, but he keeps moving out. And still, I don’t get into him. Where he has been? Where my old friend has been?

I can’t find my old Prim.

Unless I’m not with the classy jerks.

But I don’t want to choose.

Just let the time flows by and shows who’s the real friends are.

FAQ #1

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Question: Why don’t you drink in front of your crush?

Answer: Situ pernah berak di depan gebetan?

I dont get P

Diposting oleh kuinda di 15.18 0 komentar
This is so awkward that the last Thursday we still talked each other with baked Calzones but now it feels like I don’t get him anymore. I talked him about the guys I was going with, my bigbro’s—not real bigbro—friends. I said that they’re cool, handsome, and sure, rich. But he kept telling me that they’re actually jerks and not any smart. Question: are you smart enough to say other people’s stupid, P?

I live alone here (Jogja). I only have my friends, and P, and my bigbro. Lemme tell you bout my bogbro first. He’s not my bigbro, actually he’s my uncle. The simplest is, anaknya besan nenek. But he’s just about twenty something, so that’s awkward if I called him ‘uncle’. We’re so close since I’ve been in Jogja, he feeds me. He brings me to place I’ve never visited before. Unlike P, my bigbro’s kind of cool guy, dan tentu saja dengan tongkrongannya yang—you know, classy.

Gue cuma punya dua orang itu di Jogja, tapi dua-duanya bener-bener beda. They both are really different each other.

P’s almost anti-social. He doesn’t like making friends. He has less friend. Or I can say, he has no friends. He lives at the cave I called kamar kosnya, he get the best marks, smart, and loves perfection. My brigbro has so many friends, dimana pun dia duduk pasti ada yang dia kenal, he’s not as handsome as P, not as smart, but he accepts everything near him. He lives in tongkrongan-nya. Dia punya banyak temen yang bisa dikenalin ke gue, unlike P yang ga punya temen dan gaada yang bisa dikenalin ke gue. P dislike if I have boyfriend, my bigbro's was so glad knowing if his lilsis isnt single anymore.

The problem is when I started making friends with my bigbro’s friends, and I told P, he seems unhappy to hear that. I just cannot choose one of dua orang itu, kakakku ato P. Harusnya kami bertiga bisa bersatu, unless P isn’t an anti-social one. We have the same hobby, going to pub, having some beers, but the question is why, why I have to choose?
Yesterday I was mad at him, I’m still in my period and asking for a masker—you know, I’m so stressed out cause fucking hujan abu I hate it.

I was hoping for some relax, with sharing beers with him maybe, but what he said really hurts me..

Are you jealous of my new friends, P?

It’s just unlike when I said I need beers, then he was the one who took the responsibility, brought me beers, drunk together, listening to each-other, slept-over, that was my prim but hey,

Now it feels like I don’t get him anymore.

Minggu, 12 Januari 2014

Fuck Off

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I blog about you every fucking day, just fucking hope this’ll be the last fucking post bout you cus I know you never take a fucking notice. Oh, this is so fucking good that I fucking care so much about you who don’t give a shit about me. Never fucking have and never fucking will. What the fuck are you doing fucking there? Who the fuck are you doing this fucking thingy to me?

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2014

Call from The Parallel

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Genre: Fiction

Ada dunia dimana kamu sedang menjadi apa yang paling kamu harapkan. Sedang melakukan apa yang paling kamu inginkan. Dan sedang mendapatkan apa yang paling kamu dambakan. Percaya nggak? Aku sih percaya. Aku percaya bahwa di suatu tempat di dunia itu, aku yang lain sedang menjalani kehidupan seperti hidup yang benar-benar aku inginkan sekarang.

Aku menyebutnya dunia paralel.

“Nat, ada Sandy tuh!”

Aku spontan menoleh ke belakang dan, “Shit! Ganteng!”

Well, okay. Aku percaya di dunia paralel ketika aku yang lain sedang memandang Sandy yang lain, yang terucap dari mulut aku yang lain bukanlah, “Shit! Ganteng!” melainkan “Astagfirullah, ganteng!” kemudian aku yang lain menundukkan kepala dengan malu-malu. Aku yang lain benar-benar wanita sholihah pemalu dambaan setiap laki-laki.

Enough! Itu aku yang lain, bukan aku. Di dunia paralel, bukan di duniaku.

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Tissue, Tissue, Tissue

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Harapan               : Di 2014 gue bisa lebih menghemat tisu, meskipun akan lebih boros sabun.

Kenyataan          : Sampai awal 2014, gue tetap menghemat sabun, dan ternyata masih boros tisu.

Gue punya nadzar aneh di 2014, yaitu: kalo punya pacar, potong rambut -_-

Nadzar itu nyaris terlaksana. Sebenernya harusnya sih udah terlaksana, tapi yah you know lah, love is just like playing video games, or maybe PS. Not all games can be played by yourself, in some kind of games you need partner, or maybe rival, just to make it fun. When you both start, ada kalanya partner atau rival lo kebelet eek, then you have to pause the game. Atau kemungkinan lain when you both start, ada kalanya partner atau rival lo disuruh pulang sama nyokapnya, then you have to stop the game, you can’t continue it, or you need to look for another partner. Meskipun lo main PS-nya baru bentar, kalo partner lo kebelet eek, gimana pun dia nggak bisa nolak panggilan alam. Dan meskipun main PS-nya baru bentar, kalo disuruh pulang nyokap tuh ya pulang, some kinds of situation might be more important than others. Or maybe, other woman might be more important than you :) Or maybe your partner/rival knows you’re bad in playing and easy to get lost, so he leave you with thousands reason. Or maybe, as the worst, he knows you’re jerk so he don’t wanna play again with you. Kebanyakan or-maybe -_-

Senin, 06 Januari 2014


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I’d be glad to write this than share the screen captures.

5 Jan
Gue       : Nyut masa aku udah punya pacar.
Prima    : Nazarnya punya pacar trs potong rambut to?
Gue       : Idk.
Gue       : You know, potong rambut = patah hati.
Prima    : Analogi. Kon matahin hatimu dewe :)
Gue       : Idk.
Prima    : Gek putus cantikan nek rambut panjang.
Gue       : Mbiahmu cuk. Mosok baru potong tak ektensyen.
Prima    : Gek putus. You’ll deserve better.
Gue       : Karo sopo?
Prima    : Westo percaya aku. Jok potong rambut dulu.
Gue       : Key, duitku abis soale muahaha
Prima    : Kode -_-
Gue       : Nyuuut, aku sakit :(
Prima    : Kon gak mati aja sekalian?

6 Jan
Gue       : I’ve just posted on chimo that u’re my partner in crime. But hey, u could be my bgf too. Sometimes u’re right. SOMETIMES.
Prima    : Aha bgf? Toss.
Gue       : No. Bbbbbbbbgf!
Prima    : I’ll slap you. Punch you. Still bgf?
Gue       : Still partner in crime! Could we have any cocktail?
Prima    : Jare gak ada duit -_- aku punya nek gak pake tail
Gue       : -____-
Prima    : Kon g sedih?
Gue       : Hehe sedih tp percaya sm kon. I’ll deserve better.
Prima    : Sopo le arep deserve better kon?
Gue       : Jare adaaa, samdey lah
Prima    : Berarti g sido potong rambut?
Gue       : Yeah my break up world record.
Prima    : You need pukpuk? I’ll give you one.
Gue       : That’s not pukpuk that’s puk.
Prima    : Sinau le bener sesuk uas. Ojo gembeng.
Gue       : Gak gembeng -_-
Prima    : Nangisan. Dasar egook
Gue       : Ish princess diego-egoin T.T
Prima    : Sleep tight.
Gue       : No, dont wanna sleep. I’m going to share our convo on chimo :3
Prima    : Norak.
Prima    : Nek kon sampe nangis, I’ll be drop in :)
Gue       : No. Nangis lak urusanku.
Prima    : Then I’ll be drop in
Gue       : Promised me not.
Prima    : I promised you yes, beware.

Differences Between Best Friend and Partner in Crime

Diposting oleh kuinda di 18.57 0 komentar
Sedeket-deketnya gue sama orang, entah itu cowok atau cewek, sebenernya hanya ada dua jenis yang pualing deket sama gue. Satu, best friend(s). Dua, partner in crime. Meskipun beda jabatan, keduanya memiliki derajat dan hak yang sama rata di hadapan gue.

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