Minggu, 04 November 2012

Back to The Reality (?)

Diposting oleh kuinda di 18.52

·              I’m getting so messed up in life. Have you known it?

·         Now is the time that I need you around. I’m gonna run run away but you keep sayin “face it and struggle with your own shoulder!” Lah, how can I get thru this?!

·      How I wish you were here..

·         You told me you would always be there to take my hands...

·         .. So we could face this world together.. 

·         And you whispered that everything’s possible as long as I believed in you..

      But now, should I believe in..

·         Should I believe in my IMAGINATION?
·         Poor! I think it was only my own creation ‘paradise’ -_-  So, just back to the reality: I'm getting messed up. Then I have to face it and struggle with my own shoulder. Lah, how can I get thru this? T.T
·         *ps :
·         ·         pictures are taken from The King 2 Hearts 18th episode, I captured it ^^
·         ·         whatta poor grammar -_-
·         ·         some phrases are taken from a message I received on Oct 29 *I dunno what’s he trying to do, it’s a bit annoying cus I’m sure he sent it to wrong number (in this case the number is mine -_-) or he was getting ‘kesurupan’at the time or he might be getting drunk or whatever. But thanks, it was also a bit supporting ;)
·         ·         please remind me for my extremely-bad-english T.T
·         ·         there are too many points in this post script -_-

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